Wet & Dried Salted

Methods of preserving fish - used for centuries

These preservation methods allow fish to be stored for longer periods of time and enhance the flavour and texture of the fish.

Access to quality raw material supplies is vital to achieve the required quality of the final product. With our unique location at the north west coast of Norway, we are privileged to obtain fish from some of the best fishing grounds in the world, which include the Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea and North Sea.

Both wet salted and dried salted fish have several advantages. They are easy to transport and store, require no refrigeration, and are a good source of protein and nutrients.

Wet & Dried Salted

Gadus morhua


Gadus morhua

Cod is a white fish, widely popular for its mild, flaky and versatile flesh.

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Pollachius virens


Pollachius virens

Saithe, also known as pollock or coley, is a species of fish that is found in the fresh waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Ocean.

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Molva molva


Molva molva

Ling, also called burbot, is a bottom-dwelling fish found in the pristine waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

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Brosme brosme


Brosme brosme

Tusk, also known as cusk, is a deep-water fish species that is found in the cold, clean waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

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Gadus aeglefinus


Gadus aeglefinus

Haddock is a popular fish species that typically inhabits rocky or sandy areas near the seafloor in the cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

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