Gadus morhua
Cod is a white fish, widely popular for its mild, flaky and versatile flesh. It is wild caught in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
The flesh of the cod is low in fat, making it an excellent source of lean protein, and is commonly prepared in many ways, including baked, fried, grilled, or poached.
Cod is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and selenium.
Our products include:
- Headed and gutted (H/G)
Premium catch period: All year round
Fishing area: Northeast Atlantic - FAO 27
Fishing method: Danish purse seine, trawl, gil net, line
Carton delivery and available products:
- Approx. 23 kg pr. bag (pallet weight)

Wild caught cod from the North Atlantic Ocean