Fish Species

Scomber scombrus


Scomber scombrus

The mackerel from Nils Sperre are wild caught in the cold, pristine waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Clupea harengus


Clupea harengus

North Atlantic herring is a nutritious fish species, and are known for the oily and flavorful flesh.

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Mallotus villosus


Mallotus villosus

Capelin is a silver-coloured fish species that is found in the cold waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

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Trachurus trachurus

Horse mackerel

Trachurus trachurus

Horse mackerel, also known as Trachurus trachurus, is a nutritious and flavorful fish species that is popular in many cuisines around the world.

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Capelin roe and Herring roe


Capelin roe and Herring roe

Roe refers to the eggs of fish, and it is considered a delicacy in many cultures around the world.

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Gadus morhua


Gadus morhua

Cod is a white fish, widely popular for its mild, flaky and versatile flesh.

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Pollachius virens


Pollachius virens

Saithe, also known as pollock or coley, is a species of fish that is found in the fresh waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Ocean.

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Molva molva


Molva molva

Ling, also called burbot, is a bottom-dwelling fish found in the pristine waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

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Brosme brosme


Brosme brosme

Tusk, also known as cusk, is a deep-water fish species that is found in the cold, clean waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

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Gadus aeglefinus


Gadus aeglefinus

Haddock is a popular fish species that typically inhabits rocky or sandy areas near the seafloor in the cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

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Gadus morhua


Gadus morhua

Cod is a white fish, widely popular for its mild, flaky and versatile flesh.

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Pollachius virens


Pollachius virens

Saithe, also known as pollock or coley, is a species of fish that is found in the fresh waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Ocean.

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Sebastes mentella

Red fish

Sebastes mentella

Red fish is a common name used for several species of fish with a reddish coloration.

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